Sunday, January 27, 2008

Numero Uno

An ex-boyfriend once told me: "Women only wear high-heeled shoes because the incessant clicking noise they make attracts attention."

Welcome to my blog. Just to let any readers know, I plan on beginning each post with a quote from someone I used to date. They may be good quotes; they may be bad. To be honest, I'm selfishly doing this as a reminder that it is O.K. to be single, and I cannot be expected to "pick a winner" at such a young age. Gross, huh? I'm sure all will eventually be unveiled for readers to understand.

About me -- My name is Jade, and I go to college full-time. On top of that, I wait tables part-time at a super-cool restaurant. I adopted a beagle mix from the pound almost a year ago, and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me! In my spare time, I read and knit (as I'm sure most other 21 year old college females do...especially on the weekends). I live in Florida, 1000+ miles away from my hometown in Pennsylvania. My best qualities include ingesting too much caffeine in a short period of time, thinking too much, and helping all the single ladies out there by scooping up the "bad seeds" and dating them myself.

Things I love --

Coffee, cigarettes, shoes, yarn, the color green, animals, Californication, newspapers, obnoxiously loud clicking HIGH HEELS (damn straight), knitting needles, bus rides, listening to music, sleep aids, working, Anne Rice, yarn, tomatoes, Muse, reality shows, knitted dishcloths, magazines, blogs, pasta, The Shins, nail polish, cutting coupons, home-made scarves, bookstores, The Comeback (Lisa Kudrow), European accents, sterling silver, knee-high socks....and yarn.

Things I loathe --

Reality shows (yes, I know they're in the "I love" list...I hate them just as much as I love them; if not more), being late, cold weather, Mariah Carey, cheese, college "poverty" (i.e., my inability to purchase mass amounts of yarn), football.
*I'm sure this list will grow as I have more time to think. :)

There is so much to say; but I may lose my sanity if I choose to write it all out at once, with no food or bathroom breaks. Alright, alright. The honest truth is that I just ran out of coffee and would really like a cigarette. I must succumb to my addictions.

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